Privacy policy.

Last Updated: January 2023

This privacy policy (“Policy”) describes how Dr. Sam Chernak, DPT and Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates, PLLC (“Company”) collects, uses and shares personal information of users of this website, any other website we operate, and its membership site (collectively, the “Websites”). Some of the information is only collected on our application or from premium subscribers.

We provide website visitors (Visitors) with information, services, how to sign up for services, and marketing materials relating to health, nutrition, wellness, and exercise (Services).

There is some data that we collect and that you voluntarily provide to us to become a registered user, subscriber, or customer of the Company. 

There is some aggregated and anonymous data that we automatically collect to track how our Websites are performing, such as cookies or other tracking/analysis software. You can block cookies or trackers, but you may lose some functionality or not be able to enjoy all that we offer.

This Policy also applies to any of our other websites. This Policy does NOT apply to third party websites or other websites that you visit that are not affiliated with the Company.

We are a US-based business.


WHAT WE COLLECT. We get information about you in a variety of ways. We collect some personal information in order to provide you with information, services and send you related communications; analyze individual and aggregated behavior to improve and customize any information and services; verify your identity; prevent, detect, and investigate fraud, hacking, infringement, or other suspected or actual misconduct, crime, or violation of an agreement involving our Services.


Information You Give Us. We collect your‎ name, the username you create, the information that you post on the Websites, your postal address, email address, phone number, demographic information (such as your gender and occupation), health information, as well as other information that you directly give us on our Websites through questionnaires, quizzes, intake forms, or otherwise. Responding to posts, questions, requests, surveys, quizzes, or signing up for services, webinars, workshops and events are all ways in which you provide us with information about you. We use this information to provide you with services, provide you with relevant information, to provide value to you, and keep you updated on our Company and community. This data is only provided to us by you and much of it is required for you to continue to be a part of the Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates Community.


Information We Get From Others. We may get information about you from other sources. We may add this to information we get from our Websites. For example, we may get information about you from Social Media, you might be a part of one or more of our online communities, you might interact with our posts, or you might interact with or give information to a partner or affiliate website.


Information Automatically Collected. We automatically log information about you and your computer. For example, when visiting our Websites, we log your computer, tablet, or mobile device operating system type, browser type, browser or mobile application language, the website you visited before browsing to our Websites, pages or parts of our application you viewed, how long you spent on a page or part of our application, access times and information about your use of and actions on our Websites. This information is either pseudonymous or anonymous and aggregated.


Cookies. We may log information using "cookies." Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive by a website. We may use both session Cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent Cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on our Websites.    This type of information is collected to make the Websites more useful to you and to tailor the experience with us to meet your special interests and needs.


How do I disable cookies? If you do not want to receive a cookie, you have the option of setting your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, so that you may determine whether to accept it or not. However, please be aware that if you do turn off 'cookies' in your browser, you will not be able to fully experience some of functionality. For example, you will not be able to use automatic log-in or other personalization features that we may offer.


USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. Personal information is any information relating to an identifiable natural person, meaning that someone could identify you, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

We use your personal information as follows:

  • We use your personal information as your username and to identify your posts, give you specific information, hold historical information, and to identify interaction with members on the Websites (if applicable).

  • We use your personal information to operate, maintain, and improve our Websites, products, and services.

  • We use your personal information to respond to comments and questions and provide customer service or information.

  • We use your personal information to communicate about promotions, upcoming events, and other news about products and services offered by us and our selected partners.

  • We use your personal information to provide and deliver products and services customers request.

Please remember that the only personal information that we have is the information that you have given us and we only process and store it to provide you with services and valuable information as part of your membership.


SHARING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. We may share personal information as follows:

  • We share personal information with your consent – you have permitted us to post you as a member and to share your information with valuable partners and with other members. You may let us share personal information with others for their own marketing uses. Those uses will be subject to their privacy policies.

  • We may share personal information when we do a business deal, or negotiate a business deal, involving the sale or transfer of all or a part of our business or assets. These deals can include any merger, financing, acquisition, or bankruptcy transaction or proceeding.  When this happens, that information is aggregated and pseudonymized, generally, but for certain business deals we may give access to our customer list to this other entity.  If that happens, we will let you know and you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe or cancel your registration.

  • We may share personal information for legal, protection, and safety purposes.

  • We may share information to comply with laws.

  • We may share information to respond to lawful requests and legal processes.

  • We may share information to protect the rights and property of Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates, PLLC, our agents, customers, and others. This includes enforcing our agreements, policies, and terms of use.

  • We may share information in an emergency. This includes protecting the safety of our employees and agents, our customers, or any person.We may share information with those who need it to do work for us.

  • We may share information that you have allowed us to share, by submitting it to a public Websites, such as Google, Facebook, or to our Websites for publication.

  • We may share information by virtue of using “plug-ins” or other applications on our Websites, such as payment processors or video/webinar software, that allows our Company and many small businesses to have a robust web presence.

We may also share aggregated and/or anonymized data with others for their own uses.


INFORMATION CHOICES AND CHANGES. Our marketing emails tell you how to “opt-out.” If you opt out, we may still send you non-marketing emails. Non-marketing emails include emails about your accounts and our business dealings with you. If you cancel your services AND you opt-out, then you should not be receiving emails from us.  If you are, then please let us know so that we can correct this.

You may send requests about personal information to our Contact Information below. You can request to change contact choices, opt-out of our sharing with others, and update your personal information.

You can typically remove and reject cookies from our Websites with your browser settings. Many browsers are set to accept cookies until you change your settings. If you remove or reject our cookies, it could affect how our Websites works for you.


CONTACT INFORMATION. We welcome your comments or questions about this privacy policy. You may contact us via email:


Notices to You may be made by sending you a message through our application, by e-mail, or by regular mail, at Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates’s discretion.


CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY. We may change this privacy policy. If we make any changes, we will change the Last Updated date above.

Terms of Service

Terms of Use

Last Updated: March 2024


These Terms set forth your rights and obligations as someone who is accessing Dr Sam Chernak, DPT and Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates, PLLC classes, programs, content, and services. By interacting with this website; creating a profile; or downloading, creating, viewing, and/or purchasing any products, services, or content, you indicate that you have read and understood this Agreement and you will be bound by its Terms. 


A. “Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates” is registered as Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates PLLC (“Emerald PT & Pilates” and “Dr. Sam Chernak”), a Washington State Limited Liability Company.  “We,” and “Emerald PT & Pilates” and “Dr. Sam Chernak” may be used interchangeably on this site and on products and services offered on this site, and are used to indicate the company, owners, parent company, and/or agents of the company, Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates PLLC (also referred to as the “Company”).

B. “Emerald PT & Pilates” or “Emerald Physical Therapy and Pilates” or “Dr. Sam Chernak” and the associated logo are trademarks, whether registered or unregistered, owned by the Company. All associated content is copyrighted content owned by the Company.

C. “Parties” mean Emerald PT & Pilates and You. Emerald PT & Pilates and You are each a “Party.”

D. “Terms” mean and refer to the Terms of Use set forth herein.

E. “You” and “Your” means any person interacting with Emerald PT & Pilates website, purchasing products or services on Emerald PT & Pilates, creating a Emerald PT & Pilates profile, and accessing Emerald PT & Pilates content.


Please refer to the Emerald PT & Pilates’ Privacy Policy (found in the section above this one) which explains how we collect, use, and disclose information that pertains to your privacy.  When you access or use Emerald PT & Pilates, you signify your agreement to this Privacy Policy.